for bollymabis

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Is the familiar beautiful?

Do ugly people know they're ugly? When an uggo looks in the mirror everyday, do they realize they are ugly? Or does their reflection look "normal" ... or, indeed, even beautiful ... because it is what they are used to seeing? Is it because their parents are telling them they are beautiful and, thus, are conditioned from a young age to believe it?

Surely ugly people must think they are beautiful or they wouldn't walk around outside. Imagine being an ugly person you know (but don't imagine too hard/long, or you might get trapped) -- do you know you're ugly? How are you okay with it?

Do ugly people know they are ugly the way beautiful people know they are beautiful? This opens up another can of worms, because there are beautiful people with low self esteem and they do not believe they are good looking. This begs the question: are there ugly people who possess overly high (and unwarrented) self esteem?

We really wanna know the answer. Enlighten us.


What people had to say when we posted this question on the dating section on Kijiji:
Response 1:
I like your interest in the ugly side of things. I'm a big man and I feel like I have parts of me that can come off as ugly. My self esteem kind of comes to me from that dichotomy. I don't know how unwaranted it is.

Well I would sure like to here from a girl who gets a brighter perspective on that kind of thing mail me back. Its *** at ***-****.
Response 2:
You know. Confidence is key. It adds more attraction. Too much, however, is ugly. I know a guy who is like 320 lbs, pure fat. But he has these unreal standards, like he only likes really skinny model type women, hence why I am pretty sure he is a virgin still. But, at least he has the confidence, but how does a guy that size call a girl "too fat" when she is persay 170 LBS. That is hilarious. Women are also hilarious. I think people hide behind their screen and over rate themselves. When a girl says she is average weight, she is most likely fat, if she says she has a few xtra lbs, she's a TANKER. ANywhoo, my 2 cents
Response 3:
Beauty starts on the inside dont you think? If someone is happy with themself, regardless of how they look physically, generally they tend to be attractive, especially women to men. Men are looking for a combo of good looks and a good persoanlity, but women can easily settle with a guy that fills them up on the inside alone. I would say sure there are physicaly ugly people who have a high self esteem, maybe even truer confidence then the most beautiful people around. A lot of people i'm srue gain "happiness" through being a good looking person, a sense of confidence really. But true everlasting confidence comes from deep withn and is unaffected by our physical aspects. Proves why in my search for woman I find that fat girls are about the most real out there and are actually interesting. Sexy girls are usually running off their appearance, not always but usually. Its society really.

Thank you for the post. I enjoy this stuff.
Response 4:
hey ia m ***** 25 m saskatoon so what do u like to do for fun and are u single and looking for abf


And, our favourite response - so biting and venomously awesome:

Your verbage is quite thought provoking. However, the answer to your questions isn't that elusive. Just write down what you're thinking when YOU look in the mirror. That should be enough enlightenment to tickle your fancy for a long time.

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